Hi, I'm Chelsea.

Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. Certified Personal Trainer. And Digestive Health Expert.

Before beginning my journey to learn how my food choices were impacting my health, I struggled with severe stomach pain and bloating, debilitating menstrual cramps, persistent acne and the feeling like I was on an energy rollercoaster.

When traditional western medicine failed to provide answers, I went on a mission to heal these problems naturally. This led me down a long path of changing up how I was eating, working with a Functional Medicine Doctor, and eventually led me to the Nutritional Therapy program.

In my one on one work with clients, I realized just how many women were struggling with the same issues I had been, and struggling just as much to find the answers to feeling better in their body.

And that is why I created this course. This is the roadmap I wish I had when I got started on my healing journey. I'm excited to provide you with the steps I took and tools I used to feel in control of my health.