Gut Health 101

the step by step guide to go from tired, bloated, and frustrated to energized and confident

Start here!

Are you dealing with ...

... embarrassing acne

... uncomfortable rashes or hives

... stomach discomfort

... trouble feeling at ease in your own body

.... out of whack energy levels

... difficulty staying focused throughout the day

... not knowing where to start

What if I told you that all of these symptoms could be improved by healing your gut?

... without having to follow a restrictive diet with a long set of rules

... without having to track every single thing you eat

... without having to give up every single food you love for the rest of your life

I struggled with severe stomach pain and IBS for most of my adult life.

And I wasn't offered any options to heal it.

But I knew I wasn't meant to be in pain my entire life.

And then I learned about the GUT.

I learned that my symptoms were just my body trying to speak to me.

I learned how to give it what it was asking for.

I learned that I was capable of healing, and feeling at ease in my body.

I finally felt like I had control.

And you can too.

I created this course to help you go from feeling tired, bloated, and frustrated to comfortable, confident, and in control.

In this course you will learn:

... The 6-Step action plan for healing

... The three pillars of good gut health

... How to ban your bloating for good

... How to recognize what support your body is needing

... How to make changes that will last, so you don’t wind up back where you started

... How to heal through the foods you choose to eat

... How to make realistic lifestyle adjustments

... Where to begin with nutritional supplementation

... And most importantly, how to feel in control of your decisions, and be in the driver’s seat of your health

Gut Health 101

the step by step guide to go from tired, bloated, and frustrated to energized and confident

Course Curriculum

  Module 1 - Welcome to the Foundations of Healing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2 - The basics of gut health
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 - The Lifestyle Pillar
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 - The Food Pillar
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5 - The Supplement Pillar
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6 - Putting it all together
Available in days
days after you enroll

Hi, I’m Chelsea.

Your Gut Health Coach.

Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. Certified Personal Trainer. And Digestive Health Expert.

Before beginning my journey to learn how my food choices were impacting my health, I struggled with severe stomach pain and bloating, debilitating menstrual cramps, persistent acne and the feeling like I was on an energy rollercoaster.

When traditional western medicine failed to provide answers, I went on a mission to heal these problems naturally. This led me down a long path of changing up how I was eating, working with a Functional Medicine Doctor, and eventually led me to the Nutritional Therapy program.

In my one on one work with clients, I realized just how many women were struggling with the same issues I had been, and struggling just as much to find the answers to feeling better in their body.

And that is why I created this course. This is the roadmap I wish I had when I got started on my healing journey. I'm excited to provide you with the steps I took and tools I used to feel in control of my health.

Gut Health 101 is a self-paced, 100% online course with a roadmap to take you


feeling like you are at war with your body


... Feeling energized in your day to day life

... Comfortable in your body

... Confident in your choices

... Free of pain and discomfort

Choose a Pricing Option

Upon enrollment you'll have immediate access to:

Video lectures

Journal prompts

Step by step guides

This course is for you if you deal with:

Stomach discomfort



Constipation or Diarrhea

Skin issues including but not limited to acne, rosacea, hives

Food sensitivities 

Sinus infections or allergies

Headaches between meals


Brain fog

Inability to focus

Low energy

This course is not for you if:

... You are uninterested in making changes to your lifestyle or diet

... You are looking for a black and white set of rules

... You are looking for a program specific to weight loss

Frequently asked questions:

When does the course start and end?

The course starts now and never ends! It's entirely self-paced. You decide went to start, how much to do at once, and when to finish.

How long will I have access to the course?

After enrolling you'll have lifetime access to the course. You'll also receive any updates that are made to the course throughout it's lifetime!

I'm just getting started on my nutrition journey, is this course right for me?

This course is the perfect starting place for anyone looking to improve their health through their nutrition. I've taken good care to keep things simple and actionable no matter what your prior nutrition knowledge.

I've been on this journey for a while, is this course right for me?

If you've been on this road for a while, and are still struggling with the symptoms listed above, this course is for you. It will help you discover what preconditioned ideas might be holding you back from feeling like your healthiest self, and is designed to uncomplicate many of the nuances to good health.

I'm so sure you'll love this course, I guarantee it!

If within 30 days of purchasing the Foundations of Healing e-course, you are unhappy with it, I'll give you your money back.

You have to do the work though - buyer's remorse doesn't count

Refund is NOT applicable to payment plans

All I ask is that you show proof of completed coursework, including videos and worksheets

Choose a Pricing Option